Tramonto Slide Legal Fund

The 100-year-old Tramonto landslide that cuts through Revello Drive and Posetano Road sliding down to PCH is growing to be a large issue in our Castellammare community.

Directly atop this active landslide, City of LA has preliminarily approved the development of four large homes, called the Revello-Tramonto Development Project (RTP). City of LA is NOT repairing the bulkhead or stabilizing the landslide and extending Revello and Catellammare damaged in previous landslides, as previously committed to Castellammare. Tramonto Drive is the only ingress/egress for emergency vehicles to Castellammare, and is supported by the bulkhead, which is deteriorating quickly, not fixed into bedrock, and poorly maintained. The City has NOT maintained this as committed to twice in the past 19 years.

We have hired Luna & Glushon to represent us to hold the City responsible for their neglect. City of LA should not have approved this proposed development without an EIR or Environmental Impact Report. The report would identify the risks to our neighborhood, most notably the access to our community for emergency vehicles and exit in case of a wildfire. City of LA is abdicating its responsibility to our community,

We are asking for donations to our legal fund to support our efforts to improve the safety of our roadways and to ensure that development is thoughtful, safe and doesn’t risk the sanctuary and safety of residents in our community. We are seeking an average donation of $1,000 per household. All donations are appreciated.

RTP News and Info

The CMHO seeks to maintain as much useful information as possible about the Revello-Tramonto Development Project on this page so that our community can be kept up to date about this vitally important issue. If you have any information not found here that you feel would be useful to add, please feel free to contact us.

Music Above the Sea Fundraiser