Community Projects

Brush Clearance Fund

Nationally, catastrophic weather events have increased dramatically in the last five years. And the five worst wildfires in the history of California occurred within the last two years. Please help us continue our efforts to keep Castellammare, our homes and our families safe from wildfire. Estimates show that if every household in our community donated $350 annually to the brush clearance campaign, we could remove more dead trees and clear new areas of brush that are adjacent to the neighborhood while maintaining the work already performed    but any amount is helpful and appreciated.

Fire Station 23 Fund

In 2010, our neighborhood united to create a new garden at Fire Station 23 to replace the weeds and overgrown shrubs.  The garden serves as an important entrance into our neighborhood and is designed to meld with the natural background of Los Liones Canyon and Topanga State Park. The initial fundraiser was sufficient to take care of eight years of ongoing maintenance expenses, such as plant replacements, irrigation repair, tools and trash bags, etc., with volunteers doing most of the work.  It costs between $1,200 – $1,500 a year to continue the maintenance which includes some regular help from a gardener. With your generous support, we would like to continue to maintain the garden at Fire Station 23 and our special relationship with the captain and resident fire fighters, who appreciate the work we do.

Annual Oktoberfest Neighborhood BBQ

The 2024 Oktoberfest is scheduled for Sunday, October 20, from 2pm to 5pm.  

What started as an annual neighborhood potluck where residents brought tables, chairs and their favorite picnic recipes to share, has grown into the annual CMHO Oktoberfest Neighborhood Barbecue. Now, the City gives us one day a year to block off Tramonto Drive between Quadro Vecchio and Bellino for an afternoon of great food and conversations with neighbors. The tradition of bringing a home-made dish continues. Your donations help offset the cost of table and chair rentals, barbecue supplies, food and drinks.